What is InnovaMinex?

We are glad to welcome you to InnovaMinex’s page.

We would like to tell you more about our project and bring you closer to it!

So, what is InnovaMinex?

It is a live project that uses blockchain technology to guarantee the traceability of precious metals , by applying a set of procedures such as:

  • It allows the certification of the whole process, from its origin in the mines, to the refinery and the commercialization to the end consumer;
  • It gives buyers a possibility to verify the origin of the metal they have acquired, insuring that the extraction is legal and that the environment has been protected at all times;
  • The project cannot be used for money laundering, since all transactions are registered by the blockchain and the whole community has access to them;

Our main goal is to make gold and other precious metals more accessible to all people through our cryptocurrency, INX, obtaining the best possible price both for our clients and for our community, with emphasis being placed on the transparency and safety of our transactions.

Most importantly, the InnovaMinex project provides a unique link between gold and INX, in such a way that even if there were negative scenarios for gold and for INX, users who trust in our cryptocurrency will still benefit.

  • If the price of gold declines, this does not mean that the price of INX also declines (it could happened that the value of INX grows as the volume of InnovaMinex’s business grows!)
  • If the value of the INX token falls (at the stock exchanges the supply exceeds demand), then those users who save their INX get more advantages and opportunities for buying gold with even better conditions.

In our next posts we will tell you more about our project, INX tokens & tokenomics, our team and future plans.

Stay tuned, you will be thrilled!

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