The importance of Green Mining

What is Green Mining?

This type of mining is based on efficiency in the use of materials, water and energy, minimizing the negative environmental impact and ensuring the traceability of the resources obtained for their correct use, in addition to taking care of their correct fit within the community in which it performs its activity.

The means to advance in these objectives are the optimization of labor and organizational tasks, the promotion of clean and state-of-the-art technologies, and the application of a methodology where efficiency prevails above all else.

Another factor to be considered is the sustainability of the land, implementing, as far as possible, plans to rehabilitate the land after the cessation of activity.

Adecuación de vías hasta la bocamina

The impact of not applying green mining in the mining practice

If mining operations are not carried out correctly, they can have a significant environmental impact, inflicting a significant
significant environmental impact, inflicting lasting damage over time.
over time.

The mining project involves three fundamental tasks: the extraction, transport and processing of the mineral.

These include subtasks such as subway and surface operations or the use of fertilizers and the construction of structures. This, in addition to negatively affecting the environment, it also affects the neighboring communities in the areas where such activities communities in the areas where these activities take place, causing a negative impact (noise, pollution, pollution, etc.) on their wellbeing and health.

In order to prevent all of these activities from having negative consequences on the environment, there is the negative consequences on the environment, there is green mining.

In the case of Colombia, this type of exploitation is becoming the main concern of companies dedicated to the main concern of companies engaged in mining activities in the country.

entrance road3

The 5 basic aspects of Green Mining

  1. To ensure the development of the community: It is essential to ensure the wellbeing of the population in the areas near the mining activity. Decent employment is promoted, appropriate public structures are provided and education and training are encouraged for these communities.
  2. Water conservation: Companies are responsible for not discharging any polluting substances into rivers, aquifers, seas or oceans.
  3. Protect the environment: They also undertake to maintain the landscape as it was before any activity, using techniques such as reforestation.
  4. Conduct efficient mining activities: To make the best use of all available resources, both technological and human.
  5. To use renewable energies: And finally, to take advantage of this type of sources with the objective of conserving the environment.

Thanks to this, it can be demonstrated that mining activity does not mean the destruction of everything that surrounds it.
The mining activity well developed, it is beneficial for everyone.

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