Monitoring of the Environmental Management Plan

On March 9 and 10 we had a visit from the Corporación Autónoma Regional Corpocaldas, which is the company in charge of regulating the socio-environmental activities carried out in the mining project.

This visit was made in order to follow up and control all the projects and programs included in the Environmental Management Plan, that is, to verify if our project is complying with the obligations that were proposed in the Environmental Impact Study by our company and the obligations that the corporation imposed in order to grant the environmental license.

This visit was in charge of an interdisciplinary group, composed of a social work professional who evaluated the entire socioeconomic component, a professional from the geology area who evaluated the abiotic component (the work in the mine entrances and handling of tailings), a chemical professional who evaluated the management of solid waste, hazardous waste and discharges associated with our activities. And finally, a professional biologist who evaluated the biotic component, which includes fauna and flora and the management that is being given to each one.

For all the companies involved in this great project, such as Pensilvania Gold & Mineral, MinexCorp and InnovaMinex, these visits are indispensable and of great value, since they show the work that has been developed in each of the areas and show and evaluate those activities that are being done correctly and those that need to be improved.

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