Mine visit and latest developments

Our collaborators visit the loading station of the Vereda Guayaquil Mining Project.

In the video you can see how in the initial part of the cableway they are now loading the material, a conveyor belt and a hopper have been built.

The latest additions to the project is that we now have automatic loading of the material. In the video you can see how the material arrives on the rails, is hooked up and lifted. Then it goes into the hopper and with the conveyor belt it is unloaded into the cable car gondola.

visita a la mina

The collaborators continue to advance into the mine where Fernando is and explains to us what we can find in the mine.

Recently, another sub-vein has been found, so we will probably have to make another crosscut parallel to the one we already have.

This happens frequently, fortunately many veins are appearing, this increases the reserves. This type of veins are approximately 4 metres long. They are also very mineralised, which is a good thing.

Fernando García Sanz

Inside the mine we can find a large amount of quartz, which is an indication that there is gold.

The collaborators decided to extend their stay in Colombia to be able to see the benefit plant in operation.

Here is the full video.

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