MMINX Read More MINX Transfer 20211 February, 2021 At Innovaminex we are working hard to ensure that this great project continues to develop. We inform you…
MMINX Read More Why is MINX a utility token?4 November, 2020 To understand the usefulness of the MINX we want to talk about the Utility Token and how it…
MMINX Read More The importance of KYC in the cryptocurrencies world10 July, 2020 Why is the KYC so necessary? One of the greatest attractions of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum,…
OOur history Read More MINX transfer31 January, 2020 MINX We would like to inform you that the transfer of non-circulating MINX for the year 2020 to…
OOur history Read More What’s New on Innovaminex: MINX Release26 January, 2020 In the Innovaminex Team, we work to ensure that this great project continues to develop and for us,…
MMINX Last days to request your MINX tokens!9 May, 2019 Dear MINXers, As you will remember, a few weeks ago we warned again about the importance of everyone…
MMINX MINX enter the market-MINX in the appeal — Very important!9 April, 2019 1️⃣ MINX entering the market: The integration period is over and we are already on Coinbene and P2PB2B.The cryptocurrency…
MMINX You can now deposit MINX in CoinBene, ready to start tomorrow in the market!12 March, 2019 Hello, MINXers! 🙌 You can now deposit MINX in CoinBene, ready to start tomorrow in the market! Those who…
MMINX My INX — MINX7 March, 2019 We want to officially inform you that the abbreviation of the InnovaMinex token becomes “MINX” — you can read it…
MMINX Innovaminex enter p2pb2b exchange26 February, 2019 Recently we began to cooperate with a new promising cryptocurrency exchange p2pb2b. Find in our article why have…