Ecological Restoration in Vereda Guayaquil

When we talk about Green Mining, we are talking about a very broad concept that implies that each and every one of our actions in the territory where we operate have a minimal impact on the ecosystem.

For this, and among other actions carried out, we carry out an ecological restoration since for us, it is essential to recover the areas that have been intervened for the realization of works.

Before telling you about the process we carry out for the restoration, let’s define well what is the ecological restoration that we practice in Vereda Guayaquil with the collaboration of Minexcorp and its subsidiary Minera Pensilvania Gold & Mineral.

Concepts of ecological restoration

  • An ecosystem is an area of variable size, with a close relationship or association of its physical (abiotic) and biological (biotic) components, organized in such a way that changing one component, or subsystem, compromises the others and consequently the functioning of the entire ecosystem.
  • Ecosystems are dynamic, they change as a result of internal and external factors; this dynamic is known as ecological succession.
  • Ecosystems recover on their own when there are no stressors or barriers that prevent their regeneration, in a process known as passive restoration or natural succession.
  • When ecosystems are severely degraded or destroyed, they have lost their regeneration mechanisms and consequently it is necessary to assist them, in what is called active or assisted restoration (directed or assisted succession). Active restoration implies that, with human intervention, the ecosystem is helped to overcome stresses that prevent regeneration and guarantee the development of recovery processes.
  • The capacity to restore an ecosystem depends on a great deal of knowledge, such as: state of the ecosystem before and after the disturbance, degree of alteration of hydrology, geomorphology and soils, causes of the damage, structure, composition and functioning of the pre-existing ecosystem or information about regional environmental conditions.
  • Ecological restoration at the landscape scale should be a priority, since the maintenance of biodiversity is expressed at large scales. If biodiversity and its full regeneration potential are to be restored, it is necessary to learn how to manage landscapes.
  • Successful restoration will also depend on costs, funding sources and political will of the institutions interested in restoration, but above all on the collaboration and participation of local communities in the projects.
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Restoration in Vereda Guayaquil

In our case, we are carrying out an ecological restoration of the affected areas, such as the recovery of slopes. In these areas we proceed to active restoration involving all parts of the project to fulfill our goal of practicing green mining.

Planting has been carried out with seeds and also with plant material from the area, in order to achieve a better adaptation of the topsoil.

We take care of the environment that surrounds us, trying to have a minimum impact on the environment.

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