Gold as a refuge from a financial crisis

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There are many investors who point out that gold is the best hedge against a fall in the stock market. 

Did you know that between 2002 and 2007 the price of gold increased from $347.20 to $833.75 an ounce? In 2008, despite the financial crisis, some investors continued to protect themselves against a falling dollar and it is because of them that gold prices rose dramatically. Scared investors panicked, sold their shares and bought gold. 

A safe haven, like gold, protects investors from a potential catastrophe. That’s why many investors bought gold during the financial crisis. Gold prices continued to soar in response to the eurozone crisis. 

Many others sought protection from a possible economic collapse of the United States. As a result of this extreme economic uncertainty, gold prices more than doubled again. Prices rose from $869.75 in 2008 to a record $1,895 on September 5, 2011.

The characteristics of gold also explain why it is not correlated with other assets. These include stocks, bonds and oil. The price of gold does not increase when other asset classes do. It does not even have an inverse relationship as stocks and bonds have with each other. 

Instead, it is a reflection of many other investor sentiments. That’s another reason to have gold as part of a well-diversified portfolio in today’s globalized world, where most asset classes end up being highly correlated. 


Reasons to invest in gold:

1. It is the element of value that humanity has naturally adopted for more than 5,000 years.

2. Investment gold is exempt from VAT as long as it is physical gold, i.e. ingots and coins.

3. It is not devaluable by any government.

4. Physical gold has been the best vehicle for preserving value and maintaining heritage over time.

5. In situations of instability and uncertainty, gold is a good refuge for our heritage.

6. If you buy it in good times, it can cover bad times. In times of economic recession the difference can be made by the gold we have accumulated in good times.

7. It can be converted back into money anywhere in the world in any currency. It has immediate liquidity and we will always have a buyer, it does not depend on the markets.

8. It can serve as a supplement to your pension plan or an alternative to it.

Buy MINX, invest in gold.

With the MIX where you can buy precious metals, people who buy our gold and other precious metal products using MINX will receive very significant discounts: up to 30% off the market price. Since the demand for gold is growing year on year, we are confident that the demand for MINX will also grow, even among those who are not interested in cryptom currencies themselves, but are interested in gold (by buying it with MINX they save!).

On the other hand, 25% of InnovaMinex’s quarterly profits are distributed, in the form of discount coupons, among those who keep their MINX in their wallets for 3 months. 

These coupons will be redeemable in our e-commerce to purchase our gold and other precious metal products.

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