Latest developments in the mine’s facilities

Personal de la mina

The year 2020 started with a lot of movement as thanks to the excellent management of the investment group, we have received the capital needed to move forward quickly. This has allowed us to give agility to different necessary and important works in this stage of construction and assembly of the mining project Guayaquil.

It has also been necessary to strengthen the human capital, for which new hiring has been done, in this way we are generating employment and progress for the region.

In addition, different temporary contracts have been carried out under the service provision modality, for some specific tasks that have arisen.

Approximately 20 new employees enter to support the different areas such as:

  • General maintenance: which is in charge of all the various trades that happen on the farm, in the crops, common areas and constant traffic.
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  • Construction: the different fronts that are open make this an area that needs a lot of human recourses where today is the biggest peak of work falls.
    • At this time, the construction of the offices is being completed and the construction of the plate where the processing plant will be located is starting.
    • On the other hand, the construction of the accommodation for the technical area staff who have their residence more than one day away, is starting.
    • The footprint plate for the project’s entrance road and the adaptation of different roads is also being built.
    • The laboratory is being completed and the support to the mine area where construction works inside the tunnel are also necessary such as drains, channels, construction of walls among others.
Carretera a la mina
Avances en las instalaciones
  • Mine: the works in the mine itself are one of our priorities. During the two previous years we worked on the adaptation of the Guía Colombia tunnel with two working groups. This year, with the present need to advance more quickly, a third group was formed in which the miners entered with their respective mine supervisor. In the Guía Colombia tunnel, work is being done to open the second exit of the mine shaft and install rails for the entrance of the mine transport system.
Herramienta para la perforación
  • Geology: The surface mapping of the mining title granted to the company Pennsylvania G & M and the relevant digitization in the database is being carried out.
  • Social work: Home visits are being made to the community in the area of influence once a year, after which the corresponding socializations will be made of the progress made by the project in the last 6 months. 
Área social
Avances en el proyecto minero

This is a small summary of everything that is happening in the first mine of our project, the advances in these first months of the year are being noticed. Sooner than you can imagine, we will be opening e-commerce that will increase the value of MINX.

On behalf of the entire Innovaminex team, thank you for your support and we’ll continue reporting.

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